It is a tool that allows you to have real dialogues with your baby at an age when he or she does not yet have a voice.
But beyond the baby born, Connected Communication can also highlight the baby's feelings and possible needs in utero, thus allowing us to welcome him/her in the best possible into his/her new family.
In its essence, Connected Communication is a way of listening to life beyond words. Its primary purpose is to open a space for dialogue in which the child can deposit everything he or she needs to express, whether it is something to ask, say or a need to satisfy.
Connected Communication is a wonderful tool that brings fluidity to relationships and pushes us to open our minds and hearts far beyond appearances and preconceived ideas. Our babies heckle us in the conception we can have of their inner world and lead us on a path of open consciousness that in turns allows us to go further and deeper in our relationship with our child and the world in general.
Connected Communication is not a therapy, if your baby is suffering and/or if you are unable to communicate with him/her on certain sensitive topics (because we all have our limits and sensitivities), it is advisable to contact a therapist who can help you in a neutral and caring way. For example, you can use a baby translator who will offer you a baby translation session in order to bring an external light on a sensitive subject. A baby translator is a person who has done all the modules of the Baby Translation training with Brigitte Denis.
This tool was designed by a couple of parents: Hélène Gérin and Frédéric Laloux. From the exchanges with their baby came a book: "I have so much to say" and a method taught to parents. You can learn CoCo by reading the book and/or by following a training course given by a Connected Communication trainer. You can find the book in French “ J’ai tant de choses à dire. Apprendre la Communication Connectée avec votre bébé” Publisher: Le Souffle d’Or. (the English version is coming soon) on Internet or in your local bookstore.
I am a Connected Communication trainer and I am happy to share this wonderful tool with parents, in individual or group sessions.
In practice:
Group sessions:
Small groups of 4 to 8 people maximum, babies are welcome under 3 months old. The training lasts 2 full days, usually over a weekend. The content is dense but also fun and you leave with a method that has proven its worth and will be useful for you all your life.
Individual sessions:
From 3 to 5 sessions of 1 hour and a half.
More information on the CoCo: