This technique allows a deep communication in order for the baby to express its emotions and for the parents to understand him/her beyond appearances and pre conceived ideas.
The objective is to help the baby make sens of life experiences and feelings, to be heard by his parents who will be better equipped to accompany him/her on his/her life path.
This communication happens through the kinesiology test of the arm which, via one of the parents' arm. We make suggestions/hypothesis to the baby who in turn confirms them or asks us to dig further.
The session is about 1 hour and can be done during pregnancy or once the baby is born until he is autonomous in his communication with his parents.
Sometimes the tools we have are not enough to make sense of what our babies are going through, especially if it regards sensitive issues. This is when it is useful to contact a baby translator in order to have a neutral trained professional brining new insight to a given situation/feeling/behaviour. Some issues are sometimes too sensitive for parents to find a way out and therefore it is wise to ask for a gentle help to guide us towards comprehension. Once we make sense of a life experience and understand its origin, we are more able to digest and accept it.
You can call for a session if for exemple your baby has :
Heavy cry
Unexplained anxiety, sadness, fear
Restless sleep
Food related problem
Physical symptom like exzma…
But also if you want to have insight of your baby during pregnancy or have feelings that don't make total sense to you.
Because babies don’t talk the way we do, they use all sorts of means to get our attention towards a potential problem they are experiencing. It can manifest in various ways, a caugh that doesn’t go away, heavy crying, agitated sleep or difficulty to sleep,…
The objective is to allow him to speak up and reasure him about what he is experiencing, one the emotions are taken care of, parents can accompany their baby in a more adequate and conscious manner. This is no miracle technique, it’s just a way for the baby to express emtions and feeling and communicate information to his parents. This work continues at home through positive reinforcement of the parents linked to what the baby has expressed during the session.
The baby can manifest a fear of being born, a sadness or anxiety lived during pregnancy, it could be the loss of a twin (many more babies have lost twins than we think or can identify), a need to be reasured for a specific reason. I have no preconcieved idea about what the baby is going to epresse, it is his moment during which anything can be said and heard.
Babies have all sorts of fears, believe systems and emotions that stops them from feeling good within themselves and feeling happy to be on earth. Sometimes they talk about specific physical needs and sometimes about emotional neeeds. Whatever they express, it is important to listen to them and to consciously be with them and trust them. Strangely enough, babies form all sorts of belive systems which can be very limitating, in that case it is important to replace them with nurising ones.
A baby can manifest, amonst many other things, fear to be abandoned, fear to explore the outside world, anxiety linked to a moment he lived during pregnancy, a need to start a new way of experiencing food, sadness, anger… what ever his need is, he will find a space to be heard and reasured.
A few examples :
Corentin is 20 months, his sleep is interrupted a lot, he cries a lot during the night, he seems to be scared. A friend of his father committed suicide recently and his father is upset. The parents think it might be the reason for his anxiety. But Corentin is worried about something else, he wants to say that he is scared that his father might leave his mother, he feels totally incapable because his parents are sad and he believes that his role is to keep them happily together. During the session, his parents explain that his role is to be happy himself, and that his parents are responsible for themselves and for their couple. They add that they are working on their relationship and are willing to make it work. They did not realise how affected their son was by the situation. Corentin odds and says « yes » every time we say something right even though he is playing by our side. His parents continue the reassuring work at home and Corentin finds his sleep again, he stops crying during the night.
Loris cries a lot, he has reflux and had a difficult birth. His parents are exhausted. Loric says that he is scared not to be loved by his parents, he feels he is a burden for them. His father expressed his difficulty of being in a relationship with him as he has a very strong relationship with his eldest son, but he "feels" the answers of Loric before I even test them on him, he realises how connected he is to Loric and how he can take care of his needs. Loris's parents are now able to tell him how much they love him and how happy they are to have him in their lives.
Anna is 2 months old, she cries continuously, she seems in pain from the reflux but she is also very angry but her parents don't know why. Anna expresses her fear to be sick all her life and not to be able to rejoyce at being born. Anna continues expressing her concern about her parents being so tired because of her, she fears one day they will simply leave her. She starts crying very hard. Her parents reassure her that she will get better soon and won't be sick all her life, they will find solutions and one day she won't be in pain anymore and that hey love her deeply and will never leave her. She stops crying right away. The work continues at home, the reflux is still there but she no longer goes into panic and anger, she is becoming a smiling baby.
Antoine is 18 months, he is scared of grass... His parents cannot put him in the garder, he refuses to touch grass. Antoine expresses his anxiety linked to his incapacity of exploring the world and come back to safety, he says he would like his parents to be more trustful. His parents confirm that they are scared for him just about for everything, they see danger around him everywhere. They realise the impact of their belief that the world is a dangerous place on their son and start reasuringq him, they tell him they trust hime. The work continues at home and the next day Antoine plays happily in the garden.
Three month pregnant, J. feels her baby is worried, she has lost blood at the beginning of pregnancy. Her baby expresses his sadness to have lost a twin, he feels responsible for not being able to save him and he is scared to leave too. J. reassures him, she explains to her baby what has happened, how he is not responsible for the departure of his twin and how happy she is that he is there. she tells him he is going to stay, he is in no danger to go.
Arthur is 9 months, he refuses to take the bottle. He expresses that artificial milk is toxic for him and he refuses to take it. He is happy with other foods. He says that gluten is toxic for him and he is scared for his mother as he says that it's dangerous for her. He wants his mother to look after herself and do some exams, which she does. The exams show that she is celiac and that she must stop all gluten.
Babies have so much to share and so much to say. They are full of emotions, believe systems (often wrongly negative ones that need to be replaced by nurturing ones). Allowing babies to express their internal world enables parents to develop a new relationship with their baby, more understanding and empathic, leading to less frustration on both sides, whether before or after birth. Talking with babies is no miracle problem solver, it's just a way to explore their inner emotional world, to voice their discomfort, concerns or fears. It frees both babies and parents. It's a tool for parents who want to have a deeper understanding of their child or are feeling stuck in their communication.
This methodology was developed by Brigitte Denis, a Canadian doula and baby massage therapist who has worked with and learnt from babies for many years.
Her technique consists of using the test of the arm as described in kinesiology, in order to access the baby's emotional internal world. Kinesiology has been developed by Dr Gooddheart, chiropractitioner. This is being done through one of the parents, using his or her arm.
This connection is made through the "Wise" part of each one of us, that voice that always knows what is best for us.
A baby translator has done all the modules of the training with Brigitte Denis.
To make an appointment thanks to go to the contact page.